Colorado, the other sunshine state boasting 300 plus day of blue skies still gets its fair share of inclement winter weather. Snow flurries may not always fly in the Denver area but when we see temperature fluctuations, the occasional accumulation paired with high winds you may experience ice build up on your roof. Freezing rain may also become a factor and with everything icing over you’ll likely see slick streets and walkways. What we often don’t think about is roof de-icing. If you recently had a roof installed or roof maintenance  was performed on your house you want to protect your investment and look a bit further into this article on roof de-icing.

Why should you De-Ice your roof?

The roof you just purchased or repair you had performed is meant to protect the integrity of your home. Why may you need to De-Ice your roof? Can my roof just take care of de-iceing naturally? I did after all just get a new roof installed why should I have to do anything to my roof? 
All these questions are really great to ask, your roof is designed to protect the interior of your home and your valuables from the elements. Roofs will have issues when the melting snow and ice can’t keep up naturally. Although Ice and water barrier is always installed in the Colorado region sometimes its not enough to combat roof damage. In low light shaded areas on the roof problems can arise causing internal water damage, leaking into wood, drywall and plaster. Long term exposure can cause mold to form, rotting and in some cases structural damage. Ice build up can tear shingles away from a roof leaving your home vulnerable to the elements and unwanted critters. 

Should you De-Ice yourself?

Say a winter storm rolls in, you step outside the next day and see a deluge of ice forming on the eaves of your roof and downspouts frozen solid. There are some things you can do as a homeowner however it is always best to have a trusted roof expert such as Mountain Reach Roofing and Gutters point you in the right direction.  

Things for a homeowner to look out for: 

– Frozen Downspouts : When your gutter system cant handle the melting and freezing you will see your downspouts start to bulge and separate on the back seam. – Icicles: When you see icicles form in areas on your roof eaves this may be an indication of an ice dam above. – Ice Dam: Will usually start in a gutter when the gutter becomes overwhelmed the ice sheet fills the gutter troth and starts to work its way up the roof and can work its way under the shingles. This is where you may see some icicles forming. 

What can I do as a homeowner if I see Ice forming on my roof?

1. You may consider removing the icicles with an extended shovel or pole but be sure to never stand directly under the ice sheet. Chances are you have a bigger piece of ice forming on the roof if you see icicles forming. 2. If the ice sheet seems significant save yourself from potential injury and give Mountain Reach Roofing and Gutters a call to take care of the issue for you. 

Methods of De-Icing 

The most effective solution to addressing an ice dam is to remove snow build up manually before you experience a temperature change. As soon as the snow starts to melt the following day then temperatures drop at night you will start to notice the ice dam cycle. 
Chemicals can be used in extreme cases such as Calcium magnesium acetate, Calcium chloride, magnesium chloride and potassium chloride. All these can be effective in removing ice dams from your roof. If you you are choosing to remove the ice dam yourself be sure to check with the shingle manufacture prior to applying any chemicals to your roof.  Once again the best way to reduce an ice dam is preventive maintenance. Applying these chemicals in your trouble areas ahead of a snowstorm is the recommended method. 

Mountain Reach Roofing and Gutters
If you are still wondering what the right plan of action is to riding your roof of ice dams or have any other issues concerns or questions regarding your roof or gutter system please call Mountain Reach Roofing and Gutters today,  were here to help! 720-443-5386