A Solar Roof or solar panel system can add value to your home, decrease your carbon footprint, and lower your energy cost over time. If your home has decent exposure and you live in a state like Colorado your home may be a perfect candidate for a solar installation. Here are a few solar roof rebates available.

  1. EnergySmart Colorado: available rebates from $400 to $3000 depending on location are available on homes in Summit County, Roaring Fork Valley and Eagle Valley.
  2. Holy Cross Energy: With Holy Cross they offer a per-kilowatt (kW) rebate for customers to reduce the cost of going solar. The rebate is $750 for the first 6 (kW) and is stepped down for larger systems. Homeowners can save an average of $4,500 on the installation.
  3. Tax exemptions: Colorado tax breaks lay out options so you do not have to pay taxes to the government for new solar panel equipment. The “Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment” states that you do not have to pay any taxes on any equipment purchased for your system. “Property Tax Exemption for Residential Renewable Energy Equipment” keeps you from having to pay additional taxes on the increased value of your home.
  4. Colorado will help PAY YOUR MORTGAGE: That’s right if you have recently purchased a home or intend to purchase a home if you install energy efficient upgrades. This must be done within the first 120 days of purchase to qualify for this incentive. The available credit for this solar roof incentive can be $750 to $3000 from the loan program.
  5. Federal Solar Tax Credit: Capital hill just recently approved an extension of the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) This can help reduce your cost to a solar roof or solar panel system up to 30 percent. This applies to individuals who choose to purchase the system outright.

Call Mountain Reach Roofing and Gutters today for a free assessment (720)-443-5386